Financial management

Due to rapid digital transformation, global economic shifts, and heightened regulatory scrutiny, the role of the CFO has become more challenging than ever.

Navigating the complexity in financial management

中端vwin娱乐场官方企业面临着一系列财务管理挑战, 从错综复杂的供应链和国际业务到复杂的税收结构和多样化的投资组合. Managing cash flows, 优化营运资金和确保遵守不断扩大的金融监管网络需要精明的决策和战略远见. 应对这些挑战需要企业创造流程效率,并更好地利用技术和自动化, all while doing more with fewer resources.


54% of finance and accounting executives 报告说他们找不到具备所需技能的人才来填补空缺职位.


79%的董事会表示,他们的管理团队已经讨论过使用或正在实施数字技术来改善其组织的税收, finance and accounting processes.



The importance of financial management cannot be overstated. 准确的财务报告和预测能够在战略和战术层面上做出明智的决策. Prudent resource allocation, 资本预算和风险评估使首席财务官能够推动增长和提高盈利能力. 此外, 稳健的财务管理提高了公司在利益相关者中的信誉, 投资者, 和债权人, fostering trust and facilitating access to capital.

By embracing technology, harnessing data-driven insights, and adopting proactive risk management practices, 首席财务官可以将财务从后台职能转变为战略合作伙伴的角色,从而为组织的持续增长和弹性定位.

Solutions to build a sustainable finance function

RSM provides a broad spectrum of financial management services, tools and resources to meet your specific needs. 无论您需要什么级别的支持,RSM都可以提供.

Top insights for improved financial management and compliance

Digging deep on financial management challenges

CFOs face many challenges in navigating the regulatory landscape, 这需要对不断发展的遵从性需求有深刻的理解. 同时, they must adeptly detect and respond to economic challenges, such as market fluctuations, to ensure financial stability. 转变财务职能,整合技术和分析, while also delivering on growth strategies, demands a delicate balance of innovation and fiscal discipline. RSM专业人员提供一系列咨询服务,以支持首席财务官应对这些无数的挑战.

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