

数字转换 业务优化

数字转换 has been on the collective minds of most corporate board members in recent years. 随着创新速度的加快, boards may need to analyze how digital transformation is prioritized and managed within the organization.

The digital transformation playbook is changing for organizations of all sizes. Companies are moving from digitizing—focusing on 操作 and efficiency—to a more digital mindset, 这意味着颠覆行业内的模式,以不同的方式做事. 与普遍的看法相反, digital transformation is not just about technology; instead, 它包含了人, 工艺与技术.

技术的发展非常迅速, and when people see what is possible and how rapidly consumer and employee demands change, 感觉被遗忘是很自然的. 然而, boards can take steps to make up digital ground and leverage innovation to gain an edge on the competition.


Organizations should take a holistic approach when developing a digital transformation road map that involves enterprise-wide functional leaders. Successful transformation projects include the participation of business owners and technology leaders. If boards get technical information about digital transformation only from the chief technology officer or chief information officer, 他们可能会错过大多数转型机会. 技术洞察力当然很重要, consulting a broader range of leaders can help boards learn how digital transformation can solve multiple business problems.

例如, boards may bring in human resources leaders to discuss changes in recruiting or people development. Marketing leadership may provide insight into how new technology or strategies can enable the company to market differently or create new channels to bring in new customers.


数字转换 will continue to be a top initiative for years to come. Board members should understand what options are available and what each could mean to the company.

One route some board members take is to enter into a reverse mentor relationship with a younger, 更精通数字技术的同事. 在这种关系中, board members learn about digital technologies that they may not have exposure to otherwise. 除了, a host of learning opportunities about innovation and digital strategies are available through online services such as YouTube and LinkedIn.


Having board members with knowledge of each emerging digital strategy and available technology option is great, 但并不总是可能的. 仍然, 寻找能带来最大专长的候选人, and when assessing them take into consideration their exposure to digital transformation solutions and strategies.

Having board members with knowledge of each emerging digital strategy and available technology option is great, 但并不总是可能的. 仍然, 寻找能带来最大专长的候选人, and when assessing them take into consideration their exposure to digital transformation solutions and strategies.


最初, boards may have difficulty determining where digital transformation fits within a committee structure. 虽然有些元素可能在审计委员会中起作用, 例如, 其他人可能最好属于治理委员会.

Board members need to think about the different committee structures and how they will manage long-term transformation. Because of the unique nature of digital transformation and its importance to the future of the organization, 组建一个独立的技术委员会可能是最好的举措.


Boards are typically accustomed to monitoring projects that might take years to implement. 然而, digital transformation is fast-paced, a reality unlikely to change anytime soon. 董事会必须以更灵活的商业模式运作, and that outlook should trickle down to the questions asked about digital projects.

例如, board members should ask about the short-term and long-term goals of a project, 什么外部的想法可以在内部应用, 以及引入新功能和策略需要多长时间. The connections established with executives outside of IT can also lead to discussions that can uncover transformation opportunities throughout the organization.


支持数字化转型是董事会的关键角色. 董事会在灌输变革心态方面发挥了重要作用, and members should question how projects are prioritized and aligned with other initiatives. The board should be the constant voice reiterating the importance of digital projects, and can play an important role in making sure leadership stays focused on transformation.

激发创新可能需要文化转变. 产生新的想法, board members need to make sure that the organization does not punish commercial failures. 相反,领导者应该鼓励员工去冒险. 快速失败是不断发展的业务的重要组成部分.


When making transformation plans, board members cannot forget about the people part of the equation.

例如, there’s no reason that individual development plans can’t be formulated for critical employees. A variety of online courses and in-person learning programs can hone their skills, and the company should emphasize internal development because talent is so scarce. 通常,组织将培训放在计划列表的底部. 然而, 它是转型最重要的因素之一, 这对他们的数字成功会产生重大影响.


数字化转型既是一门艺术,也是一门科学. 科学就是创新, but the art involves getting people excited and shifting the organizational mindset. With the right approach, the board can play a critical role in helping the company move forward.

