数字转换 has been on the collective minds of most corporate board members in recent years. 随着创新速度的加快, boards may need to analyze how digital transformation is prioritized and managed within the organization.
The digital transformation playbook is changing for organizations of all sizes. Companies are moving from digitizing—focusing on 操作 and efficiency—to a more digital mindset, 这意味着颠覆行业内的模式,以不同的方式做事. 与普遍的看法相反, digital transformation is not just about technology; instead, 它包含了人, 工艺与技术.
技术的发展非常迅速, and when people see what is possible and how rapidly consumer and employee demands change, 感觉被遗忘是很自然的. 然而, boards can take steps to make up digital ground and leverage innovation to gain an edge on the competition.